The Academy was started in 2006 by Saravanan and a team of
committed members, under the able guidance of Sripriya
He has
been teaching in number of educational institutes,
before starting the academy. There are more than 30
numbers of aspirants who got into civil service; this
prompted him to start a full fledged academy in the
heart of Chennai. This was possible by making the
candidate’s ability to understand clearly the subject
matter of the general studies and optional subjects in a
systematic manner, capacity to write a long, analytical
and imaginative essay in an impressive style, formulate
and present his answer in the most logical, constructive
and analytical manner, highlighting the central and
salient points. |
Saravanan’s IAS Academy blasted again with 2 successive
years of great success, more than 90 questions (GS 2008)
from our materials; 80 % of questions in public
administration prelims & main 2008 from our class notes
& test services.
Our Vision
“To provide education by which character is formed, strength
of mind is increased, intelligence is developed,
significant for all round development of the
world community”
Civil Service in our country is considered to be soul and
structure of governance in India. There is no
service like this in the world of integrity,
courage, right judgment, devotion to duty,
endurance, and open-heartedness – “You can be a
part of it” |